About Me

My photo
We are 2 sisters who have so much in common yet still have many differences. We are very crafty and love finding things that we can do/make instead of buy and since we enjoying spending time with our families its easy to incorporate that. We are budget friendly always finding the best deals! Homeschooling mamas who love sharing about the Lord. Join us as we share, teach and have a blast on our blog

Bible Reading

The book of Mark
Take your time and take notes. If there is a word you don't understand take the time to investigate it. Also always have fun

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday' s Challenge

So sorry that we had gotten so busy that we had forgotten to give you your challenge yesterday.  So I'll give you yesterdays, todays & tomorrows. We LOVE these challenges because by taking pictures we see results right away.


Wednesday- laundry area

Thursday- any closet

Will check back soon ~Amy

1 comment:

  1. Wow sis! I was just thinking how good your bookshelves looked before, but they are REALLY cute now :)
